Janith Petangoda


Oct 2017 - Jun 2022

PhD in Computing: On the Structure of Learning and Transfer in Machines

Imperial College London; Supervised by Prof. Marc Deisenroth

  • Thesis introduced a differential-geometric first-principles theory of learning and transfer in machines.
Reinforcement Learning
Gaussian Processes
Differential Geometry
Linear Algebra
Measure Theory
Transfer Learning
Multi-task Learning
Meta Learning
Deep Learning
Sep 2013 - Jun 2017

MEng in Aerospace Engineering (First Class Honors)

University of Sheffield

  • Thesis (supervised by Prof. Neil Lawrence) explored the use of Model-based Reinforcement Learning for control of a simulated robotic system.
Control Theory
Fluid Dynamics
Machine Learning
Materials Science
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Differential Equations
Linear Algebra
Finite Element Methods
Computational Fluid Dynamics

Professional Experience

Apr 2024 - present

Software Engineer; Uncertainty Quantification in Financial Modelling

Signaloid Limited

Quantitative Finance
Uncertainty Quantification
Monte Carlo methods
Apr 2022 - Apr 2024

Research Associate in Probabilistic Computing

Physical Computation Laboratory, University of Cambridge

  • Wrote research papers (see Publications section).
  • Designed and implemented an extensible tensor operation and automatic differentiation framework in C for use in embedded systems.
  • Developed an SDK for running uncertainty tracking experiments on the Signaloid Cloud Compute Engine.
  • Wrote firmware for flash storage on embedded systems.
  • Collaborated on topics including Control Theory (handling uncertainty in closed-loop control) and Materials Science (Lagrangian modelling of dislocation dynamics).
Automation scripting (Make)
Processor design
Uncertainty Quantification
Gaussian Processes
Bayesian Neural Networks
Monte Carlo methods
Embedded Systems
Aug 2018 - May 2019

Research Student Placement

PROWLER.io (now SecondMind Labs)

Multi-task Reinforcement Learning
Deep Learning
Variational Inference


Nov 2023 - present

Gaussian Process Predictions with Uncertain Inputs Enabled by Uncertainty-Tracking Microprocessors

Submitted to MLCNP Workshop at NeurIPS 2024

  • Formulated a method using an uncertainty-tracking microprocessor to efficiently compute the Gaussian Process predictive posterior distribution on uncertain inputs.
Gaussian Processes
Uncertainty Quantification
Monte Carlo methods
Microprocessor design
Jan 2023 - Dec 2023

The Monte Carlo Method and New Device and Architectural Techniques for Accelerating It

Submitted to MLCNP Workshop at NeurIPS 2024

  • Conceived a unified view of the Monte Carlo method.
  • Designed, implemented, and analysed experiments that compared Monte Carlo methods to automatic uncertainty quantification using an uncertainty-tracking microprocessor.
Uncertainty Quantification
Monte Carlo methods
Microprocessor design
May 2021 - Jun 2022

On the structure of learning and transfer in machines

PhD Thesis

Reinforcement Learning
Differential Geometry
Measure Theory
Transfer Learning
Multi-task Learning
Meta Learning
Deep Learning
Aug 2018 - May 2019

Disentangled Skill Embeddings for Reinforcement Learning

Research Student project at PROWLER.io

Refer to the Professional Experience section for details.
  • Gave oral presentation at the Learning Transferrable Skills workshop at NeurIPS 2019.
Reinforcement Learning
Transfer Learning
Variational Inference
Machine Learning
Sep 2016 - Apr 2017

Development of Machine Learning based controller for problems of control

MEng dissertation (Supervisor: Prof Neil D. Lawrence)

Refer to the Education section (MEng) for details.
  • Documented experience and progress of the project on blog posts.
Reinforcement Learning
Gaussian Processes
Sep 2015 - Apr 2017

Sheffield Eco Motorsports

Co-founder and Technical Director of University engineering team

Founded (obtained funding, recruited team, etc) and led a student engineering team to compete at the Shell Eco Marathon.
  • Documented 2 years of experience founding and leading the team on a blog post.
  • Gave a public presentation on the car at the Sheffield Festival of Science and Engineering 2017.
Technical Director
Leadership and Team Management
Fund raising
Gaussian Processes
DC Motor design
Materials Science and Manufacturing
Jun 2015 - Jul 2015

Electronic Analogues of Regulatory Networks in Biological Systems

Sheffield Undergraduate Research Experience project

Engineered analog circuits that simulate genetic regulatory systems (supervised by Prof Nick Monk)
Dynamical Systems
Genetic Regulatory Systems
Analog Computing
Analog Electronics design

Teaching, Marking and Supervision


RISC-V Processor Design: Senior Demonstrator

University of Cambridge

3rd Year group project on CPU (RISC-V) design and programming FPGAs with Verilog and other tools.
  • Revamped the course by streamlining the course deliverables and updating course notes.
  • Streamlined student onboarding by creating a GitHub repository with clearer installation processes.
  • Led lab sessions and discussions.
  • Marked and graded student reports.

RISC-V Processor Design: Demonstrator

University of Cambridge

3rd Year group project on CPU (RISC-V) design and programming FPGAs with Verilog and other tools.
  • Led lab sessions.
  • Marked and graded reports.

MSc projects: Supervisor

University College London

  • Supervised 2 MSc students on Machine Learning projects for Formula One (Mercedes).

Machine Learning Seminars: Teaching Assistant

University College London

  • Marked quizzes and held office hours.

Health Data Science MSc, Machine Learning: Teaching Assistant

Imperial College London

  • Marked quizzes and led tutorials.

Algorithms 2: Marking Assistant

Imperial College London

  • Marked assignments.

Data Analysis and Probabilistic Inference: Teaching Assistant

Imperial College London

  • Tutored students.

Mathematical Methods: Teaching Assistant

Imperial College London

  • Marked assignments and tutored students.